Learn Viewpoint
Self-paced e-learning allows professionals to progress through training materials at their own pace, enabling them to learn at a speed that is comfortable and convenient for them.
Self-paced online learning
By introducing a customizable learning platform, Learn ViewPoint is transforming the way users access ViewPoint software training and empowering them to become proficient with the software more efficiently and effectively.

“94% of learners prefer micro-learning, mainly because they can better juggle the demands of their jobs.”
– elearningindustry.com
Learn ViewPoint offers a full range of courses, including Fundamentals courses that cover the basics of using ViewPoint and Specialty courses that delve into specific topics.
This comprehensive learning platform is designed to help users get the most out of ViewPoint. In addition, Learn ViewPoint offers custom course development for organizations that need ViewPoint training tailored to their unique ViewPoint environment and business processes.
Group Reporting
Group Reporting provides group leaders with quick stats on users progress by course or by single user. Group leaders can view real-time activity of users’ interactions within courses. You can easily see how many users haven’t started, are in progress, or have completed the course.
Group leaders can also gain insight into exactly how far along users are for a particular course (i.e. 20% complete versus 80% complete).
Certification and Personal Development

Additionally, completing a Fundamentals course will earn your staff the ViewPoint Certified User designation, which can help validate their skills and build their professional credibility.

Give your business a competitive advantage with e-learning for ViewPoint.
A subscription to Learn ViewPoint enables your organization to quickly and effectively deliver training, onboard new employees, and enhance the proficiency of your team.